I lost all my confidence due to my chronic eczema, but this cream helped me get it back!

Sabrina recounts her extreme journey through the struggles of chronic eczema and how a natural cream helped her regain her confidence.

The Reality Of Eczema:
 A debilitating condition which impacts the skin’s barrier
→ Many sufferers, like Sabrina, grapple with depression due to the isolation it causes
→ Many doctors recommend steroids and prescription ointments as a ‘solution'
→ This is how she reclaimed her life, and how others can to

At 20 years old, Sabrina's chronic face eczema had escalated to the point where she couldn’t venture outside due to the excruciating pain and the profound lack of confidence it caused. Her life revolved around this condition, leaving her feeling trapped until she discovered a steroid-free cream made by a mother in Australia.

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Sabrina had enjoyed flawless skin until her teenage years. However, as she approached her senior years, one day the Winter weather triggered an unbearable flare-up of her face eczema. It intensified in her twenties, rendering her housebound as even stepping outside worsened the symptoms. She couldn’t attend work or social gatherings, losing all her confidence and resigning herself to this new, debilitating normalcy.

Despite exhausting all avenues, including pills, creams, and steroids, in a desperate attempt to alleviate her red, raw, and severe face eczema, Sabrina found no relief. Countless visits to doctors yielded no solutions, leaving her with little hope.

The Doctor Wasn't Much Help

Years of relying on damaging steroids only exacerbated her pain and discomfort, leading her to doubt their efficacy. She lamented that this wasn’t how she envisioned her twenties, feeling constrained by her skin instead of relishing life's adventures.

Then, a fortuitous scroll through Facebook redirected her skin journey.

A simple scroll through Facebook changed the course of Katie’s skin journey forever…

It was when an ad for a natural and steroid free treatment, made by an Aussie mum for her own child, caught her attention. In Katie’s words, it was the ‘breakthrough she had been searching for.'

The ad was for a cream called the C+ Eczema & Dermatitis Cream, which used clinically proven ingredients with the latest scientific research on eczema, to help reduce redness, and inflammation caused by eczema.

Katie was skeptical, but after so much trial and error, she had nothing left to lose.

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An advertisement for a natural, steroid-free treatment made by an Australian mother for her own child captured Sabrina's attention. It proved to be the breakthrough she had long sought.

The advertised cream, known as the Face & Eyelid Eczema Cream, utilized clinically proven ingredients and the latest scientific research on eczema to alleviate redness and inflammation.
Most importantly, it targeted sensitive areas like the face, a feature lacking in many eczema creams available in the market.

Initially skeptical, Sabrina, having exhausted all alternatives, decided to give it a try. The Face & Eyelid Eczema Cream boasted potent natural ingredients like Calendula and Gotu kola, renowned for their efficacy in soothing redness, itching, and inflammation.
Additionally, it contained Manuka Honey, known for its antibacterial properties. This unique blend offered a promising solution unlike anything Sabrina had previously encountered.

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Delving into the backstory of the company behind the cream, Grahams Natural Alternatives, Sabrina was inspired by their family's journey of overcoming severe eczema. Their cream, developed by an eczema sufferer for fellow sufferers, had garnered global recognition for its transformative effects on skin conditions.

“After years of struggle, I wish I had found this cream earlier.
It’s the one thing all eczema sufferers need to try.” 

Unlike steroid creams and chemical products that merely provide temporary relief by concealing toxins in the body, Grahams Natural Face & Eyelid Eczema Cream adopts a natural approach.

Grahams Natural Face Cream helps to:

✔️ Keep the skin hydrated for 6+ hours

✔️ Clinically proven ingredients

✔️ Safe for long-term use

✔️ Instant itch relief

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Today, as a satisfied Grahams Natural customer, Sabrina is eczema-free and finally embracing her twenties as she should.

If you have eczema or suffer from red, itchy, or inflamed skin, the Face & Eyelid Eczema Cream could be the solution you've been searching for.

Loved by Thousands of People Across the World

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I suddenly started developing eczema around my eyes - the lids would swell up and then crack repeatedly. I was really hesitant about steroid creams so wanted to try everything else first, and went through tubes of other well regarded creams. Grahams cream is the only thing that worked. After a week of regular use, my skin had completely recovered!

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I suffer from severe eczema dermatitis on my hands and fingers. I’ve spent $100's on products from everywhere. My dermatologist can’t figure out what works. But THANKFULLY I found this lotion and did me wonders overnight. Can’t be anymore thankful!!

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I have severe eczema and was desperate for anything, so I bought this. The first application got rid of the itching. On the 3rd day, the redness, scaling and itching were totally gone, I couldn't believe it. I've tried so many creams prescribed by dermatologists and nothing worked. I couldn't be happier.

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I had been using hydrocortisone on my skin periodically for a number of years, something you shouldn't do. I just couldn't find anything else that worked. Took a punt on this natural cream and it has been so good that it's allowed me to stop using hydrocortisone entirely!


Without risky steroid creams, medical prescriptions and expensive dermatologist treatments.


Without risky steroid creams, medical prescriptions and expensive dermatologist treatments.